jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

Ya llegó la nueva Wilson KFactor KPro Team...

No la encuentras todavía ni en la página oficial de Wilson, pero... Jesús, de Viptenis, es genial!

Es la de la serie que ahora usa Feliciano López, en versión Team (las Tour -la de Feli- y Open aparecen en la web de Wilson USA y Europe, no en la de España, pero Jesús también las tiene!), más ligera, 280g (308g strung, gripped & tennis ball dumpener on), 100in, HL4. Un cañón!

Y bonita, muy bonita!

Por ahora, Babolat Synthetic Gut 1.35 yellow (23-24) , cómo mola!

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hey Felipe,
Do you know where I can find a KPro Team in Madrid? I have searched for it over the web with partial success, since I found the NPro team but not the new KPro Team. They don´t sell it in the USA (only the Tour and Open models) and I have some friends traveling to Madrid soon. Hope you could give me a hand on this matter.

Felipe Javier dijo...

Sorry about it, mate, but the only way I can see to help you is directing you to viptenis.com and order it via internet, I think Jesús (the shop owner) sends staff to the other side of the Atlantic, or obviously, he can send the racquet to your friends in Madrid. Sorry for taking long in answering, I am on holidays! Send an email to viptenis, asking for details and mention me (Felipe, from Águilas, Murcia, Spain), I'll give Jesús a helping hand with English! Hope I've been of any help!